Monday, May 04, 2009

Blue Screen of Death

MaximumPC has a great article on the dreaded "Blue screen of death" window that sometimes appears after a sudden crash in Windows. While the message can be an indication of a fatal problem, it also supply you with the information needed to fix the computer. Too often users see the screen and assume that it's only useful to a computer technician -- and then only to make sure the headstone for your dead computer reads correctly. MaximumPC makes it clear that it's far more likely that a recent hardware addition is the cause of the blue screen.

One problem that MaximumPC did not cover is how to handle the situation where the blue screens sails past in a fraction of a second as part of endless loop of failed boots/restarts. My trick with such situations is to use a video camera to video the screen and then replay the recording until I can read the blue screen.



Praveen said...

Or Instead we could move to a more open and stable os aka Ubuntu , No more BSD's , Hardware upgrades, serves its purpose.

Thane said...

While it is true that Linux does not have a blue screen of death, it can have fatal/severe problems when a hardware driver is bad or the update of something did not complete or is incompatible. Admittedly, the frequency of which a unit gets into a blue state mode is more common with Windows.

I think it's also important if we are talking about servers or desktops. Servers, including Windows servers, don't crash nearly as often as desktop units. They have less going on and are taken care of by professional computer folks. Desktops are the devil's playground.


SPD3159 Theme Park (Hong Kong Disneyland) said...

I have tried this before, and finally i need to buy a new computer:( because the hard disk is broken.

And now this "new" computer is no longer new, i saw this blue screen sometimes...and after the count-down. It will restart and all the thing will be back to normal.... I am afraid someday this computer is broken that out of my expectation....Many important thing stored inside it....