If you are teaching your students about how to evaluate online information, this site may be a good resource to include. While students may be familiar with the concept of looking at the source of a particular fact, they probably have not considered the features of web design that would make information more believable. This site could lead to some very interesting conversations about why we believe or don't believe what we see.
The Web Credibility Project - Stanford University: "The Stanford Web Credibility Project: Part of the Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab our goal is to understand what leads people to believe what they find on the Web. We hope this knowledge will enhance Web site design and promote future research on Web credibility."
1 comment:
I think this is one of the most important lessons I teach my studens...and I'm always amazed at how they "fight" me when I encourage them to evaluate the info they receive on the Internet. They love their computers so much, that they don't want any interference. (Even when they go to a bogus site that shows Bigfoot carrying a Northwestern tree-hugging octopus...they still believe it!)
There's another good site that I've used for younger students :
www.media-awareness.ca It's a Canadian media literacy site and if you follow the links for Teachers it leads to a section of web related lessons on authenticating information and recognizing on-line marketing, for example
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